Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > george


21 14:08:02

I have a guenia pig called george he is about 5 years old and we've had him since he was little.
Recently he hasn't been looking very happy, and now he has started to flip himself onto his back and shake. Also he bit my mum and wouldn't let go which he has never done before, he has become agitated if you touch him in certain places and has had a very messy coat on the bottom of him, me and my mum have been washing him to make sure that he is clean. We wondered if there is something wrong with george or is it just old age ?

Thanks for your time
Lauren Flannigan

Hi Lauren

George is quite old so there is every possibility that the problems are age-related.

However, piggies can live till 8 years old so there is still value in getting him treated. There are a number of possibilities as to what might be wrong so I really reccomend you get him examined by a vet but also please feel free to write back if you have any problems arising from that.
