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Help! My new guinea pigs are terrified of us!

21 14:44:37

We just got two 7 week old male guinea pigs from a pet store yesterday.  They are the satin breed.  They are terrified of us (me, my husband, my 3 yr old and 1.5 yr old).  They freak out if we even go near the cage.  If we (my husband or I) try to pick them up they run away from us.  This morning they have started jumping/twitching all over the cage when we go near them.  What is wrong and what can we do to make it better?  This is really upsetting because I feel like I am doing something wrong because I've heard they are supposedly so social and like to be cuddled.  Thanks for any information.

Please make sure they are both really males. Pet Stores are known for sexing cavies wrong.

A Satin is a variety, not a breed. Breeds include the American, Abyssinian, Texel, Peruvian, Coronet, Silkie, American Crested, Teddy, White Crested.

Cavies are prey animals and they see us as preditors, especially a big hand swooping down at them because most of their preditors are birds. Usually, if you adopt two adult cavies from a shelter or rescue, they are already use to the human and and love to cuddle, but babies are more timid and need to be worked with. You need to hold your cavies everyday in order for them to learn to trust you.

The jumping is called popcorning and cavies do this when they are happy.

Some very good wesbites to visit one cavy care are and