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My Pig Wont Eat!!!

21 14:15:16

I noticed Monday (6/4) that my pig hadn't been pooping so I took her to the vet Tuesday (6/5) afternoon.  She wasn't constipated and her teeth were fine, but she had lost weight and was dehydrated.  The vet gave me something called Nutri- Cal to give her, and gave her an injection of fluids because of the dehydration.  If anything she's worsened since.  She's also lost weight, I took her to the vet less then 2 weeks ago and she weighed 1 pound 10 ounces when I brought her in yesterday she weighed 1 pound 5 ounces.  I have tried to give her the following things: Timothy hay-oatmeal-carrot-apple mash, oatmeal, fresh squeezed orange juice, water, timothy hay, raisons and oatmeal treats (as well as the Nutri- Cal).  I forced her to take the Nutri- Cal, but I haven't been able to get anything down her.    Her normal diet consists of; timothy hay, timothy hay pellets, fresh fruits and vegetables (carrots, celery, apple, cucumber, etc.), oats and the occasional treat.  I got a hamster on Saturday and I was wondering if my pig was feeling left out.  She is the only pig I have, because I wasn't ready to take on two pigs when I got her and knew I would be spending a good amount of time with her.  I moved the hamster out of the room that my pig is in, but that doesn't seem to make a noticeable difference.  Is my pig sick because I've been spending time with the hamster?  The hamster is healthy so I don't think my pig contracted any diseases from her.  What can I do to help my pig and at what point should I take her back to the vet?  I'm at my whit's end, and have been up with her until 1 o'clock the past two nights.  Thank you!


Hello Angel,

I doubt this has anything to do with your new hamster. I would syringe feeding her crushed and moistened pellets with added vitamin c and a bit of crushed acidophilus tablets (a supplement found near the vitamins and the pharmacy). I would also take her back to the vet ASAP. He should have done some tests and possibly put her on antibiotics when she went before. She sounds like she is actually ill. I would certainly take her back or possibly even to a different vet if this one doesn't know piggies very well. Good luck!
