Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Nail Care

Nail Care

21 14:37:15


We are new owners of a 3 year old guinnea pig.   Do we need to clip his nails, we notice that back ones are getting long.  The front claws are all black with the exception of the end small one on one front leg.  It is pink, curled under and the flesh looks swollen around it.


Hi Lori

It is important to trim your pig's nails regularly to keep them short, but if you do that, you must be sure not to cut them too close or the quick will be cut and the nail will bleed.

If I were you, I would visit a vet regarding the state of your pig's feet as it sounds like he might have a condition called bumblefoot which can be quite uncomfortable for your pig.
