Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > litter trainning

litter trainning

21 14:42:02

We recently bought a guinea pig for our oldest daughter who is 7 years old and she and myself have been told they can be litter trainned like a cat is that true and how?  Thanks Michelle and Claudia

Michelle --

Although I have heard of guinea pigs being litter box trained, it's not easy and I really wouldn't bother.  Since the animal will be in a cage, (hopefully being cleaned relatively often) the urine and feces will be contained and should not smell.  I'm not even sure how you would go about doing such a thing, except to say that guinea pigs love treats and I believe that would be a good reward for their good behavior.  Also, you will need a lot of patience, as they go very frequently and there will be a lot of mistakes.

Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any more questions.  Good luck!
