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Pregnant guineas with discharge???? Whats going on

21 13:43:59

Hi there I have four guineas in total three girls and one boy

All my girls are pregnant deliberately of course.

The only thing is all the females have a cream coloured discharge coming from their vaginas the discharge is dry at the bottom of the anus and they all smell like they are ovulating
Please help is this normal for a pregnant guinea pig?

Apart from that all are healthy I am treating one of my girls with anti biotics as directed by our family vet..


You don't indicate how far along they are but if they've been in the same cage with the male all at the same time they're likely not all reaching delivery at the same time. My experience has been that my sows seldom get pregnant at the same time with the same male. They seem to deliver about a week to two weeks apart. Presumably because the male sperm count needs time to strengthen before they're fertile enough to impregnate more sows.  

The reason I ask that is that when delivery is very close a sow will begin emitting odors to the boar similar to ovulation and he will start behaving like it's time to breed. I've never noticed a particular discharge during this time, but I don't usually handle the sows when their late into their pregnancy so I may have just not seen it. At this point I generally remove the boar and allow the sow some resting time before the babies arrive.

What you may be seeing is actually dried urine that has left a whitish residue. The pH of the urine can change in pregnancy in both animals and humans. Since they're all healthy, eating and drinking normally I doubt this is a problem to worry about. Appetite is always the number one indicator of health in guinea pigs.