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Breathing and Eyes

21 14:34:00

Dear Annie,
My guinea pig, Coco is acting kind of strange latly with his breathing. He's breathing quite quickly and sometimes makes strange sounds while he is breathing. He still acts completly normal, but he isnt as active as before. He sleeps alot, and sometimes i see that is eyes are either watery or crusty. His nose is often snotty, and i researched it and am scared that he has URI. Maybe he is just acting this way because he is hot. It is in the middle of summer you know, but don't worry he is eating and drinking though. I give him all kinds of healthy fruits and vegetables, and the required hay and pellets. Its probably just the heat or it can be something very serious. I'm not sure though, that's why i'm asking you. I'm not sure what to do, because i really want to see a vet and if he needs to be examened i would really like to fix everything, but i hear its really expenssive and my parents wouldn't really pay for it if it costs alot. It's kind of really complecating with all that, but i just need to know what to do. Thank you soooo much for your time.


Hi Tatiana,

If you keep Coco outside where there is no air conditioning you need to do something else.  You don't say where you live or what the climate is, but where ever you live, guinea pigs aren't outdoor animals.  He should be kept at temperature under 80 degrees F./27 degrees C.  The symptoms you mention sound like early heat stroke, which will kill him if it continues.  Make sure he's getting plenty of clean fresh water and keep him cool.  If you can't manage an environment of less than 80 degrees F. put a frozen bottle in with him when the temperature is high.  He'll actually lay right next to it.

If he is coughing at all, you are probably dealing with a respiratory infection.  There is no treatment for this that can be done without perscription medications from a qualified veterinarian.  Don't let the vet give him any penicillian family antibiotics!!  They will kill him.  A drug called Baytril is safe, as are sulfa drugs.

I do think you should take him to the vet.  Either of the above things requires fast treatment, and while you may be able to treat the heat problems on your own, a vet can do it faster and time is crucial.

I hope this answers your question.  Let me know if you need anything else.
