Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > 2vs.3continued


21 14:34:00

should i sterilize every thing before i buy my new pig? and how do i know they will all get along?
sorry to be a bother,thanks for your help on all of my other questions,

Hi Rachael,

You are not a bother!

You should quarantine (keep separate) a new piggie for two weeks before putting it in with your other piggie.  If the new piggie is just coming down with something contagious your other guinea pig won't get it.  This is a general rule for all newly purchased animals.  After that you can put them together.

When you go to choose your new piggie examine it completely.  It should have clear eyes, no sign of a runny nose, no missing hair (except just behind the ears where it's normal), no swollen feet, it shouldn't be drooling or have overlong teeth,and no odd smell from the private parts.

If you have any questions let me know.
