Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > changes2cage


21 14:22:05

I have a eight month female guinea pig. We are thinking about purchasing some choroplast but, what f she doesn't like it. Will she be able to tell the difference between fabric and corolpast? What can I do to make the adjustment as unstressful as possible? What should I do?

Thank You so much, if I ever have a question you're the first one I go to because I have seen your recent answers and you know everything!!

Hello Krystel,

All of my piggies are in C&C cages (cubes and coroplast) and I find it wonderful. They will need bedding though even if they are housed on coroplast so you can continue to use her fabric or you can switch to a different bedding (I use CareFresh myself). There likely won't be too much of a problem adjusting. Just move all of her things (dishes, toys, hideys) into her new cage and she'll make herself right at home. Give her some fresh veggies when you put her into her new cage will also help her feel more comfortable. As long as she's still in the same house with the same family, adjustment won't take long because she'll still be home, her home will just be a bit different. It won't be much different to her than after she has her cage cleaned. She will most likely love it, I know all mine did when they moved into them.

