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Fast weight gain

21 14:10:36

my albino Guinea pig last week weighed 900g and then 5 days later she weighed 1kg 10g. now 3 days after the second weighing she weighs 1kg 100g. my other guinea pig has stayed the same weight and they both eat the same food etc. both are female so she isn't pregnant. what is happening to my albino?????? I hope you can shed some light on this issue for me.

Hi Alison.  I'm more familiar with pounds and ounces, and your weights there translate to 2lb, 2lb 4oz, and 2lb 6oz.  It depends on various factors why your pig has been putting on weight.  A lot depends on how old your pigs are, a growing youngish pig will increase in weight like this, as will a pig eating more than his or her share!  Not all pigs eat at the same rate and this can happen.  Then there's always the chance of pregnancy; how long have you had your pigs, and could they have been in contact with a boar?
Keep an eye on it.  It could just be that your pig is developing at a more rapid rate than the other pig.  At worst, it could be health related in that your pig may be developing an internal growth or intestinal gases, but i wouldn't jump to any conclusion.  If the weight piles on or you notice your pig develop any strange lumps or enlargening of the belly, get her checked out by your vet.