Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > sick guinea!!!!!!!!

sick guinea!!!!!!!!

21 14:07:08

my guinea pig has stopped eating and will only drink water and his poop is very green and runny also he has stopped walking and will fall on his side and cant get up,its his right leg, when i pick him up he squeals in pain, what should i do??????????

Hi Dominique,

Please take your guinea pig to a specialist small animal or exotic pet vet, or an emergency vet ASAP. Diarhoea wuickly dehydrates and weakens a guinea pig, so he'll need immediate vetinary aid to give him fluids and stabilise his condition. His funny tummy is most likely due to something he's eaten, so think hard about what he's had for the past couple of days as it will help the vet to work out what's wrong to stop the runny poop.

Good luck and best wishes,