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Sick GPig

21 14:12:04

I've enjoying reading your previous comments to other GP lovers.  My little one is 2 1/2, rescued 1 yr ago from SPCA.  She's sweet, and always healthy.  About 2 weeks ago, her cage started to smell bad pretty much right after I cleaned it - like the next day, rather than 3 or 4 days as usual.  I thought she might have been losing weight, but hard to tell as she's so fluffy.  I went away for the weekend (FRi-Sat-Sun, returned Monday) but left her with lots of water, food, fruits and veggies, a radio and the budgies chirping nearby that she is accustomed to.
I got home yesterday and notice that she had not touched her water of food.  She is lethargic... not talking.... I thought she was mad at me.  I know that animals can protest if you leave them.  We've never left her before for more than one night.  Anyhow ... I thought she was dying in my arms this morning, my 11 yr old daughter was distraught so we went to the vet right away.  He gave me a grave look... said she was dehydrated, hardly moving and there was a mass, a lump, in her tummy - looked like the bottom left side.  He suggested xrays and IV.  So he put her on an IV from 9am until 1pm when I am to return and we will re-evaluate.  She's 2.5 yrs old - if she needs surgery and she is already weak, what do you think of that? I don't think she'd old, but I've read that the average lifespan is 3-5 yrs.  is that right?  I don't want her to suffer but I also want to be responsible and do the right thing.
So any of the symptoms I described sounds familiar and do you have an opinion?  We love our baby and we'd be so heartbroken if we lost her....  but we know it can happen.
Have a great day and thank you for taking the time to help people!

ANSWER: Hi Wendy

Thank you for your kind comments.

A piggies life expectancy is 5-8 years so there is no reason to think your pig wouldnt be able to survive an operation. However, every time a small animal is put under anaesthetic there is a significant risk.

From what you tell me I tend to think your pig may be suffering from something related to an advanced urinary infection. If that is the case some antibiotics may just do the trick.

Please let me know what the vet says.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you Andy.  Things don't look good.  The vet rehydrated and told me to come and get her.  I have some Enrofloxacin in case she has an infection.  Last night, our sweetie starting breathing funny and making a sound like she is trying to squeak but it's not working.  She's wheezing a bit and her breathing is more laboured.  Yesterday, she also started dragging her right hind leg as it it were broken.  It;s so sad to watch.  She's not eating so I forged 2 cc's of water into her with a syringe last night.  Also gave her some Vetomino as the Vet's suggestion. She has still not eaten and still won't drink on her own.  She is deteriorating and I am panicking. I was hoping the antibiotics would do the trick but I don't know what the deal is her her dragging herself and not using that back leg. She's so weak and not walking anyhow - I just put her at one end of her cage and she walks about a foot to get to her house.  I'm obviously very worried... it doesn't look good.  Any more advice?  THANK YOU!
P.S. I've tried via some websites to find a vet that knows about GPigs in my area, Ottawa , Ontario, but no luck.  I have no clue where you are, but any ideas on that or where to find that info?

ANSWER: Hi again Wendy

I am in Sheffield UK so I dont know anything about the availability of vets in Ontario. I just wish I could help more proactively.

I wont lie to you, things dont look good. I think the lack of leg movement is down to lack of food. Why she is not eating is very hard to say as there could be literally 20 reasons.

Without food, piggies deteriorate very quickly. Did the vet not suggest syringe feeding liquidised food? If not, that might be worth a try as a last resort.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again Andy!
I just wanted to quickly follow up and thank you.  Our sweet Mabel died on the way to the vet 2 days ago. The worst part is not knowing what happened... she was fine one day and sick the next.  We've never left her alone for the weekend before and my 6 year old boy said "it's our fault for going on vacation".  Poor thing.  Anyhow - I had 2 little questions but if you have people with pressing questions, pls don't waste your precious time with this.  1/ could the GPig have stopped eating and drinking because we were gone for 2 days? I would think that she would have started again when we got back... are they that sensitive ? and 2/ and this is not pleasant - but my daughter was holdind Mabel on the way to the vet and Mabel started convulsing rather violently and had one last weird body wave movement and she passed.  I would have had her put to sleep the day prior had I have known what was coming - but I was given hope that she'd be OK but the vet - so can you explain to me what you think might have happened? It was so sad and I need to make some sense of it.  The vet insists that there was a blockage or tumour in her belly but I couldn't feel a thing....I think he was just saying that but who knows -   my kids are devastated and I know that we can't always have answers, but if you have heard of this type of death before, maybe it'll give us an idea of what was wrong and what happened as she died.  Again - God Bless you for your help and support.  I thank you so much for your time.  It's unbelievable how attached we become to our little friends, isn't it? :)
Thank you again Andy,

Hi again Wendy

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Dont be silly about wasting my time. I love to try and help fellow pig enthusiasts.

You are right, we do get attached to this little guys. I was a crying wreck when my pigs die so I do know how you feel.

I have no doubt at all that your pig didnt eat because she was sick. It had nothing to do with you going away for a few days I am absolutely sure on that.

There are many explanations for the convulsions. Intestinal blockage, tumours to name just two. Sadly we will never know the truth.

Take comfort in the fact that Mabel is now in piggy heaven and please dont let the experience put you off owning these lovely animals in the future.

God bless
