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tooth loss

21 14:24:51

Do guinea pigs ever loose a tooth, a top set front teeth? and if so,what do you about it?

Hello Steve,

Yes and no... A healthy Guinea Pig does not loose his teeth at any point in his life. However, there are some health issues that can cause tooth loss. Defiencies (such as scurvy) can cause loose teeth and tooth loss if not taken care of. An abscess can also cause them to loose teeth, so can an injury. You need to mush his food and syringe feed him to keep him eating and he needs to see a vet to find out why his teeth came out. Defiencies and abscesses can kill them if not taken care of. Once the abscess or defiency is treated, his teeth should begin to grow back. If his teeth coming out was the result of an injury, they should return on their own. Until his vet visit, give him extra Vitamin C (in the form of fruits and veggies high in vitamin c or as drops given directly by syringe, drops are probably best since he's missing teeth) since scurvy is the most common defiency in Guinea Pigs. The most important thing you can do before the vet sees him is keep him eating. Good luck.
