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poorly guinea pig

21 13:47:51

i have 2 male guinea pigs today one seems poorly he hasn't eaten or had anything to drink he seems to have no energy to move and is lying on his side a lot usually he runs away when i try to pick him up but he has let me pick him up and hold and stroke him but he isn't squeaking like normal he is just whimpering, i have given him water using a syringe and a book i have recommended a bit of Vicks on his nose but i don't know what else i can do i have brought him into the house to keep him warm but i am worried

Well it is clearly not well, when you get a situation such as yours I always state that a vet is the best option. Also when a pig is ill something has to be done quickly as they can get worse very fast. There are perhaps a few things I could recommend but your case sounds quite severe so my advice would be to get to a vet today.