Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Help please!!!!!

Help please!!!!!

21 14:05:44

I have a short haired guinea pig shes about 4 to 5 years old shes pregnant with her second litter of piggies and shes bald all over her little belly and legs and she has scabs and her skin is purple and this all started not that long ago and i dont know why i clean her cage every 3 days i tried giving her baths  to see if it would help and i started using shavings that help keep bugs away and she seems to be getting worse and i dont know what to do i dont like seeing my guinea pig suffer especially since shes close to having her babies....   please  Help me   i want to make things better for her

This sounds like a serious case so I recommend visiting your nearest exotic pet veterinarian.

I wish that I could help more, but, judging by what you told us, I think that all of the experts would recommend the same thing.

Hope she pulls through!
John Kliewer