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disformed guinea??????

21 14:41:25

i have 2 healthy young sows and i want to breed one of them, so i recently bought a younger male who is 5wks and i will breed them in about 3 months. so when i went to buy they male I checked his hair, his teeth, his eyes and if there were any bald spots or nibbled ears. he was perfect. then today when he was on floor time i noticed that he had 4 back toes and four front toes when both my females have 3 back toes and four front toes. whats up with these extra toes? is it normal?  

Hello Melissa and thanks for the question,

Are the extra toes "normal"? No. Are they in any way harmful? No. What you have is a rare genetic mutation called a Polydactil Foot.

If you want to show the offspring or are breeding for a purebred, I would not use this little guy. If you are breeding to continue his line, go right ahead. The trait may not even be passed but GPs are very predicatable in genetic crossbreeding outcome.

PS: If this helps you, please rate me.