Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Introducing Guinea Pigs...

Introducing Guinea Pigs...

21 14:35:22

I have one guinea pig whose name is Penny.  A couple of months
back I introduced her to another guinea pig (Lucy).  They got
along great and were always together.  Well, Lucy got sick and
we had to take her to the vet.  (That is when we couldn't get her
back for a couple of months).  Just yesterday, we brought Lucy
back home to Penny.  Lucy is younger then Penny, and very
sweet.  Penny is also very sweet and would always come up to
me right when she would see me walking into my room, now she
doesn't.  When we first re-introduced Lucy and Penny, Penny
would always chase Lucy around, and still does, but not as
much.  Penny seems very depressed now and is worrying me
sick!  Penny wont come up to me, and just lays down in her igloo
almost all day.  I have also seen that Penny has become very
itchy.  I don't know if that is normal or not,  but still.  Penny has
also been bitting my hand when I pick her up and seems very
missrable.  Is there anything I can do to get Penny back to her
old self?  

Hi Jennifer

It sounds like Penny has got confused by the leaving and re-introducing of Lucy. Can you please tell me how long it has been since you put the two pigs back together. That will give me a better idea of how big a problem Penny's behaviour is and what is the best advice to give you.
