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guinea pig menopause?

21 14:24:13

How old is too old to have babies? I have a 4 year old sow that has bred in the past, but we don't want any more litters. we are down to our last 2 pigs, and we would like to keep them together for company (One is a young male) and we are hoping she is too old to get pregnant. Could we be this lucky?They are friendly toward each other and would do well in one large cage.

Almost all females regardless of age are able to get pregnant, unless they have had a medical problem that made them sterile, like persisted cystitis, or infections. It is best to play safe and not put them directly together, but you could put them in a large cage with a divider, or sit their cages next to each other. Unfortunately it is hard to tell when guinea pigs are in heat every 15-17 days, so it is almost impossible to tell whether a female is sterile or not. Let me  know if you have any more questions.