Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > wont drink her water today

wont drink her water today

21 14:24:12

my guinea pig hurt her leg and a chip of her bone is loose near her hip and she had xrays today and was given anesthetic by mask.  well she wont drink her water today but will eatch lettuce and piece of veggie.  dont think she pooped that normal after anesthetic ?

Hello Angel,

Not pooping is not good. Watch her carefully and give her lots of hay, fresh grass, and leafy green veggies. Make sure she poops. If she's getting alot of veggies she won't drink as much, the veggies will be giving her the water she needs. Give her extra veggies and that will keep her hydrated until she feels like drinking. When my pigs have come out of anesthesia, they've had no problems with it, but each pig is different and so is each anesthetic used. You may want to call your vet and see what he thinks. It may be a normal reaction to the anesthetic he used. Good luck.
