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Pregnancy and Delivery

21 14:46:32

I have a female (Brightie) who had a baby yesterday, Friday, 03/05/04.  I came home from work around 5:20 and she was in labor.  She struggled for almost an hour after I got home and finally produced 1 pup.  It came out head and butt together, back first.  I called every vet in town trying to find out if this long of labor was normal or not.  No one could answer my question.  After she had the pup, she expelled the placenta and ate it.  However, no more pups came and she did not push anymore.  I am confidant there is at least 1 more inside her (and I think it is dead).  Is there any way to force her to go into labor again?  I have been in contact with several vets and most of them don't know about cavies- 1 did tell me to wait it out (the same one who said labor can take all night).  I has been almost 18 hours since she had the 1 pup.  I raised cavies when I was a kid and they always had babies within like 15 minutes.  Any advice or options I may have?  I was told if she has to have a C-section, it will be $300 or more dollars, which I don't have, but I don't want her to die.  I will say, she does not look to be in pain or discomfort.  Can she survive with a dead baby inside?  Are there times when babies are born a long time apart?  Any advice would be appreciated.  I have never known an instance where so many vets could not help me.  I just got Brightie right after Christmas and just realized she was pregnant about 3 weeks ago (she was pregnant when I got her).  Thanks in advance for any help or advice


     Yo are right the pups should take 15 min. apart no mor than 1/2 hour./  However she passed the pup, and if any other had to come thorough they most lilkey would, but not always.  Is she still bleeding and is she lethargic?  They do sometimes look full after they give birth, and it takes about 2 days to kid of go down some.  YO can  and should give gatordae, it has the sugar so she will not go toxic and the electro-lytes for her and the babiy.  Put the bopttle so both can reach it.  Feed timothy hay to both, and high vitamin veggies and fruits.  I feed strawberries, kale, red peppers (sweet) carrots ect.  The timothy is important.  Cilantro is very mainstay in kidney and urine out put for any bacteris that may linger, and they love it.  Cranberries too but they do not always eat it.  Cranberry juice is a favorite also.

I will give yoi a number of a vet who will help you ove the net and a breeder I know who is a vet.  katie Carter --  she is a good breeder and a vet.  Here is Vets e-mail  and here is another and another  Let me know what happens