Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > varieties


21 14:46:07

Hi, I am in 4H and i have to do a poster on cavy varities. The Solid group: brindles, roans, solid dilute, solid golden, solid silver. I was just wondering if you could give me information of each of these passific varieties. I am also hoping to learn more about Teddies for I have 5 of them. I own 16 cavies right now.Thanks

Leah --

I am glad you are participating in 4H.  That is originally how I got started breeding.  What information were you needing on the varieties?  General information, color variation, acceptable breed standards ... ??  I will need a little more specific question, otherwise your return email would be quite long.  Let me know what you would like and I would be happy to answer your questions.  Good luck!
