Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > seizures


21 14:23:33

the thing that bugged me the most is that many of the information i looked up guinea pigs that get seizures and have mites are pretty much complete bold by that stage. my piggy ( bullet) its like that he his loosing allot of hair on his back and small patches on the sides. i also noticed him pulling his hair out. the vet gave me anti-seizure med but it just prolongs the seizure . his body trys to fight it but he head starts to tremor and the he trys to scratch and bite his back and the just lands on his back having a seizure, its terrible and horrible to watch. i thought i lost him yesterday he was on his back and his mouth opened wide and his breathing slowed down very quick i thought he stopped breathing altogether. any advice or information is gratefully appreciated.

Hi again,

    Even though some guinea pigs may be completely bald by that stage, I stick to what I said before when I suspected mange mites.  Ask you vet about ivermectin, if that is not what your guinea pig is already being treated with.

                                                  - Nicole