Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > females


21 14:18:41

We have two female guinea pigs, ones 10 months the other is about 5 or 6, and we started 2 notice that the older one started getting questionably fat. We thought it was from drinking so much water. That went on for about two weeks until the morning of Apr. 3, 2007 she had this litter of four.
How is this possible?


Either your second female is really a male or she was in with another male when you got her. That is the only possible explanation. Though we can narrow it down to which it might be, as a female Guinea Pig is only pregnant for about 60 to 73  days. So if you have had them both longer then that your going to need to separate them as your second female is really a male. If you haven't had them longer then 60-73 days then she got pregnant where she was before you got them.

Good Luck to you,
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