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guinea pigs together

21 13:45:03

We have 4 female guinea pigs together now.  They have been together for not quite 2 weeks.  Things were going very well until 2 days ago.   They are all between 6 weeks to 6 months.  The newest one Jellybean, which is a skinny who I love dearly and had been a very sweet come to you everytime kind of girl, was introduced 2 weeks ago. It seems to me that we have a "bully" (Marshmellow). Marshmellow is picking on her and won't leave her alone.  Jellybean is getting marks one her. I didn't notice any problems during the daytime, so I got up early this morning to see if it was a night thing. Which seems to be possible or maybe just because when I am in the room during the day Marshmellow doesn't pick on her then. I noticed this morning that Marshmellow is going after her and nipping her.  Jellybean runs from her and trys to hold her ground and doesn't retreat to a hidey.  But I do notice that she is becoming more nervous and just shakes and hasn't been the same girl for the last 2 days. My question is how long do we leave this go on?  We have room to enlarge the cage and make a seperate one that would join and be split down the middle. How do you think we should seperate them if and when we need to?  Put Marshmellow with another one or keep her by herself? Yesterday I had put Jellybean in playtime with another one and she was so loving. While Marshmellow was in the home cage she too was a different girl out and running more. I know that they have to determine there pecking order so to speak and seems to me that Jellybean has bonded well with the others.  Marshmellow does try to bully the others as well, but they put her in her place.  I am hoping things get better but want to have a plan just in case Marshmellow starts to draw blood or doesn't start to leave her alone. The cage has 5 hideys and two feeding spots one is on a second level.  Jellybean doesn't do the ramp yet, the others do.  Jellybean is the youngest 6 weeks, then Sparkle 7 weeks and Marshmellow 3-4 months.  I don't know if that helps?  Sorry for the long read and Thanks for any help!!

Skinny pigs are very loving and sweet tempered by nature. They also have special needs when it comes to their housing and their skin care. I would either remove the bully or take Jellybean out of there. Her skin is so delicate and sensitive that she will easily be injured by even casual nipping. Pigs with hair have a better chance of not being hurt because their hair offers some protection. But without hair the only thing left to grab is the skin itself. The next thing you know you have an abscess.

Obviously Jellybean is a very submissive pig (as are most Skinnies). She just wants peace and quiet. She deserves that. If she's getting along well with the others she's okay, but Marsh has got to isolated.

It's possible Marshmellow is in heat. Sows get what we breeders call "PMS" aka Piggy Mean Syndrome" when they come into heat. They go out of their way to be bitchy and disagreeable. They usually settle down once they're over it. But in the meantime they've created havoc in
the household. When you have a very submissive sow with her, she ends up as the object of the bitch's rage, thus causing injuries.

Another problem poor JB may be confronted with is being pushed away from the feed bowl. She won't fight for herself and will end up suffering. So take the poor baby out of that environment where she can again feel comfortable and doesn't have to look over her shoulder all day long.

I'm sure you've also done your homework on how to care for her skin by putting ointment on her to keep the skin soft and supple. She needs that daily as her lack of hair prevents her from getting the oils on her skin that make it moist and healthy.