Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > plzzzz help me help my guinea pig!!!!

plzzzz help me help my guinea pig!!!!

21 14:07:06

QUESTION: hi, my pet guinea pig lost her mate and her 2 babies... i dont know what to do to help her i have been crying my eyes out cause no one deserve to feel that kind of pain. i really don't know how i could make her feel a bit better she has been lying for 2 days and she haven't eaten anything!
please i am begging you!!! help me i cant loose her too!!!

ANSWER: Hi Tilana

I'm sorry for you loss

Don't worry im here to help
She is fretting which means she is simply sad and lonely and wants it companion back.

Take her out and disinfect the cage make sure you clean it out and if she does get sick take her to a vet

Has she been wormed?
How old is she?

If you cant get her to eat then i suggest that you take her to a vet otherwise she may risk starvation

Good luck Tilana

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi thank you very much for your reply.i have been giving her lots of love and i am just wondering that i may push her further away by doing that? she looks better but she are still not eating.... how long will this go on?? when will i get my cute lailah back?? plz let me know...
thanks again!!

Hi Tilana

Ok maybe try just leaving her alone for a day give her some fresh grass or carrots or even lettuce if she has eaten it when you go back to check on her that is a good sign it may take a few weeks for her to get over this loss.

If she is still not eating then take her to a vet straight away because she couls starve to death
As Long as she just is keeping on the weight then she should be ok

All the best
