Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Help Please!!

Help Please!!

21 13:51:24

My guinea pig is losing her fur and losing weight. She is still eating normal, acting okay. Will she be fine? She is old and I am scared. Thank you very much!
-Mary Lee
P.S. I do not know how old she is. Her name is Bella

Hello Mary Lee!
I will give you a link to a site that has amazing information and the link is directly to the hair loss page. As for the weight loss, lets hope it is barbering!

As for the weight loss, Bella could be ailing from overgrown teeth or a general dislike in food. On the left side of the site I gave you, look at the first link called 'anorexia' and see if anything there apples to your guinea pig (loss of a cage mate, Changes in diet,  Wide temperature swings)