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petunias hair loss!

21 14:10:40

My piggy (guinea pig) is losing her hair she's pretty old for a guinea pig about 6-7-8. is it because she's old? my other guinea pig cupcake is looking fine but she's around 2-3. is it a disease? or is she old? will it grow back?

Hi Mikk.  Generally when a pig loses any amount of hair it is due to mange.  It can be caused by a fungal infection or more commonly, parasites like mites.  Your other guinea pig doesn't need to be displaying the same symptoms for Petunia to have a problem like this.  The hair loss tends be around the back legs, the back or belly, basically places where the pig can easily bite at an itchy spot.  In parasitic mange the hair shaft breaks easily, and can look sparse, dry and the skin irritated.  Fungal infection affects the pig more heavily in that the hair can feel greasy, the hair will fall away easily, the skin hot.  As you are concerned that Petunia is a grand aged pig, i would get it checked out just in case it is something the vet could easily treat before it turns into a more serious and threatening condition.  Once treated, the hair does grow back to normal.  Hope that helps you!