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Baby guinea pig death

21 13:51:41

I had litter of4 guinea pigs. There were problems w all. The only one that made it died yesterday. He was 3 weeks old, and at two weeks he couldn't walk anymore and he would just sleep in same spot for hrs. I tried bottle feeding he couldn't move his head much and then
He could barely eat a piece of carrot and really would eat nothing. I am so worried about this and want to know if you have heard of this and what it could have been. At the end his eyes, which were black turned grey, like he went or was going blind!!!! I have had 3 other litters, different pigs, and they were all great. I am nerveous that this was some disease that my son or I could catch!!!!! Please help and tell me what could have happened to this little baby. There were 2 put of the original 4 that had birth defects and died shortly after birth, just to let you know. Thanks and sorry for the coatic letter.  

Hello Jean, I am sorry to hear about those poor souls!
I will assure you that nothing a guinea pig has (except lice, mites and rabies) can be passed onto a human, so your son is safe.
I searched everywhere but cannot come up with why  that poor giunea pig would die like this, but it may have been from a underdeveloped organ.

Hope this helps,