Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > New (Mellow) piggy

New (Mellow) piggy

21 14:39:06

Hi, We just got our 2nd piggy today he is a male about 2-3 months old. Our first one is about 3-4 month female. The male we got today and put him in with our female. He just sits in in corner, his eyes are sleepy looking and his breathing looks jerky. He's rust and white in color. He isn't running around, jumping or moving around the cage. Could he be sick? It's only been about 6 hours since we bought him home and put him in with the female. She went up to him earlier kinda bitting the side of him face at first. The pet store lady said she would by the babies from us. (is why we have male & female). Could you give us advice on new piggy and breeding? Thanks Carolyn

Hi Carolyn. I would call the pet store and ask them to take him to the vet, get him healthy, then call you.  Although the animal could be stressed from the move and riding in the car, that sounds like something upper respiratory or worse.  I would definitely call the pet store and discuss it with her, crunchy eyes/squinty eyes, etc, is first sign of illness.  I would also imagine his fur is very rough looking....Illness is usually quite contagious as well, depending on what it is.
Good Luck