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general cavy care

21 14:45:25

Hi Jess,
       i've just bought 2 baby cavies from a pet shop but i'm worried that they might not have been well taken care of. one of them has been flicking its head and scratching more than i think they usually should and i'm concerned it might have mites or lice though i have checked and found nothing except some sparse dry skin patches. would be be more advisable to just bring them to the vet for a throrough first check instead of attempting to medicate them myself with stuff i can get at the pet store?
they're about 2 months old and i want them to be around for a long time more :)
what is also the best type of bedding to use? i've read that wood shavings are not too good, how about cat litter?
is it possible to toilet train them? i dun want them sitting on their poo and pee so often..
thanks for your help!

go to
register, search for mite treatments! IT will give you step by step instructions!!

Or go to the vet!

bedding, I prefer kiln dried pine...or not use catlitter...IF they eat it (and they will) it will clump in their stomachs, and kill them!!

You need to "spot clean" the cage daily!!

Good luck

you can email me at

if you still need help. or on here either way!!