Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > guinea pig is sick?

guinea pig is sick?

21 14:08:55

QUESTION: how do you tell if your guinea pig is sick?? My guinea pig is still hyper and running when we pet him or play with him but he isent eating hardly any and he rarly drinks water and goes to then bathroom.His eyes are a little crusty to like his eyes have been watering quite a bit. What am i supposed to do? is he going to be ok? what is the matter with him? and we cleaned his cage sunday and he barley has anyting on the floor so its very clean is that bad?

ANSWER: Hi Kayla

It does sound like something is wrong but the symptoms you describe are signs of general ill health so its difficult to say what is wrong.

I reccomend you get him checked by a vet as the lack of appetite is a concern.


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QUESTION: is it normal for guinea pigs to have a common cold and get better like a human? because now his eyes are clearing up hes drinking more and his eating has improved a little bit.

ANSWER: Hi Kayla

Its possible, yes. The problem always is that a piggies immune system is so much weaker than a humans.

Please make sure you monitor his progress, especially his appetite.

Good luck


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QUESTION: thank you, i have been checking up on him alot through out the day and ive noticed his eyes have almost cleared up and his drinking and eating has really progressed. would it be good to give him regular orange juice mixed with water to help him since it has vitamin c which is good for them? i also gave him lettuce and that seemed ty=o get him eating and drinking again.


Yes, its weird. I have also found in the past that lettuce gets eating going but dont overfeed this as it can cause diahorrea.

You could try pieces of actual orange for the vitamin c.

The key is to ensure he keeps eating so you might consider weighing him on a daily basis and if you notice any weightloss over 2 ounces, let me know/contact the vet.
