Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Acting wierd

Acting wierd

21 14:28:15

Hello it's me again,
thanks for the reply, I am not sure if there is any medical issues with my guinea pig because this afternoon I saw her walking slowly around the hutch after the other female making a wierd purring niose, could she be on heat? she is only about six months old.
Thanks again, Natalie

Hello Natalie!

Yes, if she is rumble strutting (that's what the weird purring and funny walk is called; males will do this when they approach another pig and females often do it when they are in heat) after another female, she is almost definantly in heat and that could very easily be the cause of her touch-me-notish behavior. Keep an eye on her, just in case, but she should be back to normal soon. They are in heat for about a day so she should be back to normal probably by tomorrow or sooner. Just before their heat sometimes they will spray alot and not want to be touched because that's when males will start making advances but they aren't quite ready yet and that's very likely what was going on, especially since there is another pig in the cage. Thank you for adding this new behavior and letting me know about the cagemate. I'm sure your piggy is fine. However this maybe a regular occurance every 18 days or so everytime she comes into heat. Just so you aren't too worried next time. Good luck with your percious little girls.
