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euthenize or treat 6 year old guinea pig

21 13:47:17

My 6 year old female guinea pig overnight became partially paralyzed in her back legs.( She was not mishandled.) That day she would not eat or drink. The next morning she did squeal for her romaine lettuce and baby tomatoes fresh parsley. I let her out of the cage and she did eat some along with her timothy hay , but little interest in her pellet food. She had a one and a half inch feces stuck to her rear end which I removed. I have never seen that before, she ususally leaves little pellets. She is moving better but sits all hunched up. Also, for the past two years she has had big fatty tumors under her chin and by her back legs. These have never bothered her. She comes out and runs around an enclosed area and grazes her lettuce everyday. Given the paralyzed, hunched over sitting, and tumors along with age do you think I should have her put to sleep? She did seem better today but not back to normal. I don't want her to suffer and also do not want to put her through forced medications or shots if it is due to old age. Any advice would be appreciated before I take her to vets.

I can appreciate you dilemma, I think I would be the same way. Personally I would just wait until she told me it was time. At this point there's nothing a vet can do. Six is a ripe old age for most pigs, although I had one sow that was 7 1/2 years old before she passed.

She will let you know when she's had enough. At that point I would have her gently euthanized. Until then, let her enjoy what time she has. You will know when the time comes.