Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Cant get pellets!

Cant get pellets!

21 14:15:33

Hi Andy,

I live in Tanzania, which, as far as guinea pig supplies are concerned, is the middle of nowhere! I've had my two for about a month now and they're busily finishing off my in-laws small lawn. Luckily, we're only here for a few more weeks, but I feel terrible about the bald patches I'm leaving my in-laws to look at! I was thinking, there must be a way I can make my own Guinea Pig pellets - which you can't get anywhere in this country. Even hay isn't available - people actually take their cattle out and about on the roads to graze, and as there's no winter, there's no need to stock up!
What are pellets made from? Do you think it's possible to make some kind of home-made variety of food (as in, collect up a lot of greens.. Not cook them up a nice omelette..!)

Many thanks,

Hi Katie

Wow, what a question.

In the mix I use is wheatfeed, peas, lucerne, wheat, oats, grass, carrot, sunflower extract, maize, carob, vitamins and minerals.

Hay/grass is absolutely essential for fibre and to help your piggies teeth. Can you order some dry mix off the internet perhaps? The best brand is called Gertie guinea pig or oxbow cavy mix.

I hope the list of ingrediants helps you. You can also feed plenty of vegetables of course.


P.S My wife visited tanzania and climbed kilimanjaro a few years back.