Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > school


21 14:12:15

My name is noelle and i am 12 years old i am going to get a guinea pig.

    i still have to go to school could i leave it alone for 6 hours when i am in school
 also should i give it a bath if so tell me what i have to do
        thank you


It'll be fine for you to leave the Guinea Pig alone for 6 hours. The Guinea Pig will be fine for that period of time. No worries there, just make sure he has food, water, hay and that he is safe in his cage.

Guinea Pigs need a bath every now and then. Some Guinea Pigs like water, for those who do bath time is easy. Just fill the tub up with warm water (like baby bath water) make sure it is only deep enough to come half way up the sides. Use a cup to get the rest of him wet, avoid the head as you don't want water in his ears or eyes. So from the head down needs to be wet and then soap him up with either baby shampoo or a small animal shampoo. Make sure to have plenty of towels handy. As you'll spend an hour or more drying him. Make sure he is compeletly dry before placing him in his cage again.

For the Guinea Pigs who don't like water will either bath time can be a pain or you can pick up a product called Quick & Clean by Super Pet. All you have to do with that is spray it on the animal and rub it in let dry and then brush out. Simple for those Guinea Pig who hate water, you can find it most pet stores.

I hope this helps,
  Take care,