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im a new owner to 2 guinea pigs

21 14:16:50

heelo andy i have 2 guinea pigs i bought them on the 30/04/07 and i am new to owning guinea piga as ive only had hamsters, i was wondering if u could tell me in detail what fruit and veg they like and can not have. thank you. jessica

Hi Jessica

Congratulations on acquirng piggies. I am sure you will love them.

Guinea pigs eat more or less all fruit and veg. However, their favourites seem to be carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, cucumber, apple, grape, orange, cabbage. The key is to give each one in moderation. With the watery veg like lettuce and cucumber, you need to give small amounts as too much can cause an upset tummy.

Take a look at the website below which has great sections on owning a piggy for the first time.
