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guinea pig, ? UTI

21 13:49:24

My 9.5 mth old Aby has just completed his last dose of Baytril prescribed on 11/5/11 as a precautionary measure as he had not seemed interested in his food. The vet gave him a full MOT, no dental issues, good weight etc. (1129g)I have given him Alfalfa hay, Burgess Excel nuggets since his decreased appetite and he has eaten reasonably well along with small amounts of grass and dandelion leaves, normal poops. However, have noticed when he poops or wee's, seems to be in discomfort and this morning, noticed a small spot of what I think maybe blood in his toilet area. Very pale pink in colour and am wondering if he may have a UTI ? Would the Baytril have not assisted with any urine infection or will he need a stronger antibiotic do you think i.e. Septrin ? I am sick with worry as my piggies are my life ! Am going to get some unsweetend cranberry juice later to try him with if this helps.

interesting, it is possible that he has an internal impaction or perhaps a tumor which would explain the pain and blood. it could even be pnemonia, there are several possibilities unless the vet also checked for these. the cranberry juice is a good idea but i think the pig may need another trip to the vet and have an x ray or mri.

best of luck