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Guinea pig wheezing, lump, weight loss and constipation!

21 13:49:04


My guinea pig has a lump on his shoulder, the size of a big marble, it doesn't seem to bother him though, maybe cancerous? Also he's been getting very skinny under all his fur, I haven't noticed him eating alot or drinking alot. I have noticed only since this evening that he is wheezing in and out, but can walk around fairly sharply. I got him about 4 years ago and he was an adult then! I feel like if I go to my vet they will say to put him down. I even feel harsh to pick him up! Like I'll hurt him if I do, due to the wheezing and frailness , please help me asap!!

he definatley needs to go to the vet there are numerous things that sound wrong with him, the lump coul very well be cancerous, thw ehezing might e connected to that or could be a respitory problem in its own right and the weight loss again could be a symptom of the cancer or a problem in its own right. if it is treatable then the vet will treat it, if the animal is suffering then the vet will say to put him down.

im sorry but that is really the only option