Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > she died!

she died!

21 14:33:34

well in the morning i looked  at my guinea pig she was laying there crying so i checked on her and peted her she seamed fine! well later that morning i checked on her agin she was still laying there so i picked her up she was bleading from her vagina so she was in heat so i cheped peting her in my arms then she keped biting her teath together and kinda jumping up at the same time! then she was just layiong in my armes and 2 minites later she just died in my armes! i dont know what hapend and i would like to know what happend to her well please tell me you know what happend to her well please tell me!  

Hi Paige,

I need a little more information.  She was already sick from your description.  Guinea pigs don't cry, so there was something wrong, a discharge from the eye is not normal.  Also when guinea pigs come into season (heat) they do not bleed.  

My guess is that the discharge from her eyes was due to dehydration (she was probably not drinking as much as she normally did, was she?).  I'm also guessing that her eyes were kind of sunken looking?

Something internal was causing the bleeding.  It sounds like something was hurting her when you were petting her too.  Teeth chattering is a sign of agression, so she was telling you she hurt.  The jumpiness was also a sign that something hurt.

When things go wrong with guinea pigs one of the first signs is a decrease in appetite and water intake.  I don't know that there was anything you could have done.  She may have had some kind of uterine infection that a vet may have been able to treat, or it might have just been something else.

How old was she?  How long had you had her?  Are you sure she was bleeding from the vagina and not the urinary opening?  Was she loosing hair?  Were her teeth loose?  Did she show any signs of having trouble walking?

I know that's a lot of questions, but the more I know the easier it is for me to tell you what was wrong.
