Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Older piggie losing weight!

Older piggie losing weight!

21 14:13:29

My 6 year old sow is continuing to lose weight although she is eating
everything in sight!  Her teeth are strong, she eats timothy & alfalfa.  I feed
her fresh veggies & put vitamin drops in her water.  Her stools are sometimes
loose but sometimes firm pellets.  She consumes lots of water in the summer
but always has.  I don't have accurate scales to weigh her but I can feel her
ribs.  Her eyes are clear & she is perky.  She sleeps a lot but gets up & purrs
for her treats.  I've read about worms???  Any ideas?  Our vets around here are
not very familiar with exotics.

Yea i would even call an out of town vet to ask what you need to use to worm your guinea pigs that is available locally. I think she is fine, i just think she is getting older. Keep a sharp eye on her to see if anything drastic happens. Good Luck!