Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > woodlouse invasion of hutch!!

woodlouse invasion of hutch!!

21 14:33:31

We recently bought 2 guinea pigs and have housed them in a large plastic hutch. Everytime I remove the door there are at least a dozen woodlice around the rim of the cage and when it is cleaned (every 3rd day)I find lots in the bedding.  Any suggestions to preventing this?  Will this cause any risk to the guinea pigs?  Please help! Thank you.  Lisa.

Hi Lisa

Woodlice near a plastic hutch is something I have never come across before. One idea would be to raise the hutch off, or further off the ground.

I am not sure about the risk to your piggies but I feel sure that it is likely that they will have some impact on their health.
