Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > GP: Help!

GP: Help!

21 14:16:13

I had two GP's for two years; both boys Bubba(who died three days ago, he's 8) and Gaara( unkown of age). I adopbted Gaara from a pet store who sayed he beloned to a group of teenagers who abused him. Gaara is shy and likes to hide alot...highly agressive...selfish and will not allow any other GP to take food or water before him. He always bites anybody who would like to pick him up including kicking and squilling if he is held...What can I do to change his behaviour? I tried alot of things that include using his favorite snacks and his Iglue(little house that he always hides in) is there anything I can do to be more a gentle loving nature?


To get your guinea pig to change his behavior isn't going to be easy but you can change it so he is a little sweeter and not so mean. Guinea Pig communicate 3 different ways, through sounds, smell and touch, now with that in mind start talking to him when around his cage. This will help to build trust between you and him. Place a small rag in his cage with your scent on it. This will help in him getting to know you and fully trust you. Before picking him up talk to him, allow him to smell your hand a few minutes then go ahead and pet him for a while and then pick him up all the while talking to him. By doing this your developing and bond and trust between you and him, especially since he was abused. When hold him place a towel under him to proved him with a little more security so he'll be less likely to kick and such. Lots of handling will also help, he has serious trust issues from being abused so you need to take it slow with him and just be loving towards him.

Also try playing classical music on a low volume near his cage, I don't know why but it seems to calm and relax Guinea Pigs. So by doing that he should feel more calm, relaxed and safe. The biggest thing your going to have to do is make sure he feels safe and loved.

I hope this helps,
   Take care,