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Guinea Pig- Bisolvon

21 14:41:17

 I wanted to know if you know anything about using the medication Bisolvon on guinea pigs.  I have 4 guinea pigs.  One of my guinea pigs, Max is sick and he is having trouble breathing, and my vet doesn't know anything about the med. Bisolvon.  I don't know much about it, only that it was used on rats to clear their lungs and a breeder suggested using Bisolvon, because he uses it on his guinea pigs when they are sick. If you could inform me of any information regaarding the uses and side effects of Bisolvon, I would greatly appreciate it.  Thanks for your time.  

Hi Janette-  I would call around and find a vet that knows about Bisolvon.  Personally I have never used it.  You may talk more to the breeder about the med, making sure it is safe.  I would strongly encourage you to talk to a vet before using the med, just to ensure the safety of the Max.  There are lots of medicines for respiratory problems, maybe Bisolvon is the generic name of a more common med your vet would be familiar with.  Sorry I couldn't be of more help, just haven't used it.