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Worried new mom

21 14:41:15


I am a new proud mom to 2 cavy girls - approximately 5-6 weeks old.  As a responsible owner, I did my research in regards to caring properly for my new friends prior to bringing the girls home.  The girls have been with me for about 2 weeks now.

In my reading, it has constantly been reinforced that the cavy diet should consist of fresh produce in addition to hay and pellets. Much to my dismay, my cavies are not eating any of the fresh produce I provide. I clean it, dry it and let it become room temperature before feeding it to them. I have tried feeding by hand, leaving it in their food bowl and hanging it from their hay rack, unfortunately, they are not interested.  They eat the appropriate amount of hay and pellets each day and seem to be very frisky and happy. I add a liquid supplement of Vitamin C to their water.  However, I am worried that they are not getting sufficient nutrients from a diet of only hay and pellets alone.  The food I have tried thus far are: bananas, apples, oranges, kale, parsley and cabbage.  Any suggestions?

Hi Sherrie.  It might be because they are still young.  If you had an older pet that already liked the veggies they would be more inclined to try it if the "older one" was eating it.  Although lettuce has no nutritional value, other than water, you may try that just to see if they'll eat it.  It doesn't necessarily have to be room temperature, I always feed mine straight from the fridge and they love it.  It sounds like you are doing more than enough to make sure they are nutritionally healthy, I wouldn't be worried too much.  Try to not have the treat available all the time, if it is only offered a few times a day instead of sitting in cage all day it may seem more like a treat to them.
Just a few suggestions...