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Worried new mom - eating habits

21 14:41:15


I am a new proud mom to 2 cavy girls - approximately 5-6 weeks old.  As a responsible owner, I did my research in regards to caring properly for my new friends prior to bringing the girls home.  The girls have been with me for about 2 weeks now.

In my reading, it has constantly been reinforced that the cavy diet should consist of fresh produce in addition to hay and pellets. Much to my dismay, my cavies are not eating any of the fresh produce I provide. I clean it, dry it and let it become room temperature before feeding it to them. I have tried feeding by hand, leaving it in their food bowl and hanging it from their hay rack, unfortunately, they are not interested.  They eat the appropriate amount of hay and pellets each day and seem to be very frisky and happy. I add a liquid supplement of Vitamin C to their water.  However, I am worried that they are not getting sufficient nutrients from a diet of only hay and pellets alone.  The food I have tried thus far are: bananas, apples, oranges, kale, parsley and cabbage.  Any suggestions?

Sherrie --

Well, I will say this -- I'm glad you've done some research on guinea pigs before purchase.  However, there is one thing I think you may have missed.  Please be sure in the future not to feed your guinea pig any members of the cabbage family (i.e. cabbage, bok choy, kale, chard, rhubarb, broccoli, and cauliflower -- as well as others.)  It can do serious harm to their digestive system, and in some cases can kill them.  As for other food options, you have missed some good ones.  Try carrots, green peppers, corn (dried), cucumbers, lettuce, or sunflower seeds.  If you keep trying, you will eventually stumble upon a couple they like.  My guinea pigs all but refuse to eat fruit, with the exception of dried bananas.  Their favorites are lettuce (romaine hearts in particular), carrots, and green peppers.  Just keep trying, though - eventually you will find something they like.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me.  Good luck!
