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Re: My guinea pig has lice

21 14:24:05

Hi Kat,

I just found out at the vets that my guinea pig has lice. I have never had this problem before and I have so many questions. 1. Can humans get lice from guinea pigs? 2. the vet gave him some type of shot and sold me a dog/cat shampoo that will supposedly kill the lice on his body. I am to bathe him once a week for 2 weeks and return after his 2nd bath to be re-checked. How effective is this treatment that he is receiving? 3. What options do I have in  killing the lice and sterilizing his belongings? 4. What chemicals/products can I use around the rugs and furniture to kill any live lice or eggs? 5. Will moth balls kill lice around the house?

Thank you for any help you can give me in this manner.


Hello Dawn,

1. No, lice are species specific, so your human family members (and most other pets) can not get them.
2. The shot was probably ivermectin and that is typically very effective. It depends on the shampoo how effective it is. I prefer not to use anything for dogs or cats on my piggies because some parasite shampoos are deadly for them, but if you have a knowledgeable piggy vet, it's likely safe.
3. Frequently clean his cage, everyday if possible and if he has any cloth toys or things, take them away until treatment is over. Washing them in a washing machine using bleach and hot water should take care of anything living in them.
4. Honestly I'm not sure. Usually treatment of the home is not required for piggy lice. Vaccuming thoroughly around the cage is typically all that is needed. Without a host the lice will die and since they only live on piggies a house infestation typically isn't a problem like it can be with human lice.
5. I don't know for sure, but I doubt it.

I hope this has helped. You shouldn't have to worry too much about areas not in his cage or play area. Usually treating the piggy and cleaning the cage often is all that's needed. Good luck getting rid of them. Hopefully the treatments will take effect quickly and she'll be parasite free in no time.
