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HelloI have read that...

21 14:43:44


I have read that a sow should be bred between the age of five and six months of age, but then the babys would be born when she is seven or eight months of age wouldnt that cause problems? Would it be ok to breed her at three/four months and then her babys be born when shes five/six months?

Why do you want to breed?
What is so special about your sow?
Where did she come from?
What breed is she?
What variety is she?
What vairety were her parents, grandparents and great grandparents?

There is no reason to breed at all. There is an overpopulation of cavies already and there are thousands that don't have homes, by breeding you are taking a home away from a cavy in a shelter.

Did you know that there is a 20% chance of a sow having complications or dying before, during or even up to two weeks after birth?
Are you prepared to take her to a vet and spend up to or over $500.00 in emergancy medical bills?
Do you have the room for 5 + babies and room to separate them at 3 weeks?
What if the sow dies, will you be home and out of bed every 2 hours to feed them?
What if she gives birth to a lethal, are you willing to spend up to $2,000 a year in medical expenses?

These are some things you need to think about before breeding, as a rescue I am highly against it.