Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > stiilborn


21 14:13:18

Hi jules.last year a week before christmas my first female guinea pig Mliie gave birth to 2 beatiful twin albino girls while I was a sleep when I woke up it was the mosst biggest surprise of my life but of cause I knew she was pregent and I found out alot about caring for pregent sows.But unfortunely one of the babys where stillborn and had the broken sack still on the baby and her sister was ruunig around like a cute pup.It was her first pregnancy so I would of not expected her to do so well at birth.But what want to ask Why was the baby stillborn?.from kathleen p.sThe baby that was stillborn was very big at birth and her sister was born heathly and was the same size as her twin sister.Now the baby how lived penny has a baby girl of her own and her mum Millie is in her 2pregnancy and she is very heatly and acive and her babys are active in her stomach as well.


It is hard to say why the baby would have been born stillborn,  might have been injured in the birthing process which seems the most likely as the stillborn was full size like Penny. Mom could have moved a certain way before they where born that hurt the baby. There are so many possibilities as to way the baby was still born that it is hard to say, though I think baby was injured in the birthing process which does happen mostly when it is the first time pregnancy and isn't all that uncommon.

I hope this helps,
    Take care,