Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > i need urgent help

i need urgent help

21 14:04:49

I cannot tell whether my guinea pig is pregnant. She lived in a pet store with a male I know because I saw the pet store people sexing the guinea pigs. I don't know the age of my guinea pig( the pet store people don't know either.Right now she lives alone in a huge cage. When I first brouht her home she stayed asleep the whole night but, now she eats and drinks a whole lot even at night. She also made two nests in her cage she lays in both of them but she lays in one of them more than the other one it's like she's saving the other one for something. When I try to take her out of her cage she runs away but when I finally catch her she's calm a little bit. When I rub her stomach she makes a noise like she wants me to stop and she wiggles around a little bit too. Most of the time I see her laying right by the food and water and the times that she is not by the food or water I find her laying in one of the two nests that she made is she pregnant? Thanks!

Hi Tanisha,

How long have you had her for? A guinea pig is pregnant for 68-72 days, which works out as 9-10 weeks. Guinea pigs are usually sold when they are 6 weeks old (though they can be older than that by the time someone takes them home).

Have a look at your piggy from above - is she much wider at the hips? Guinea pigs resemble eggplants/aubergines when they are pregnant as the babies sit either side of their stomachs, rather than underneath.

If she was kept with males that were over 4 weeks of age she is almost certainly pregnant. Lethargy, increased eating and drinking, and a tender belly are all strong signs of pregnancy. When she is in the final stages of pregnancy you will be able to feel - and maybe even see - the babies moving around. During this time don't pick her up unless you need to clean out her hutch, as she'll be feeling very uncomfortable and will want to be left alone.

It sounds to me as though she is pregnant. Let me know what you think based on what I've told you above. If you want to know for sure, take her to a specialist small animal or exotic pet vet.

If you have any other questions about the babies or anything else ... just ask!
