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hairloss in male guinea pig

21 14:11:26

My female guinea pig had babies (two females) about a month and a half ago, so we had to separate the male, Henry, from the rest. Since then, he has lost a lot of hair on his rear end, so that it looks like a babboon-behind on his lower back. We haven't seen any fleas or excessive scratching or picking, we use the same bedding, food, hay and treats for the others, and all the other pigs seem to be happy and healthy. Henry's coat seems to have gotten wiry since we've separated them too. We talked to someone at the petstore and after given all the information, they said that he may be depressed after being away from guineapig company for so long. The babies are gone now, so we put the male and female back together, and we're not sure if they're actually scratching more than usual, or if we're overreacting. He does seem to be happier now, but should we take any extra precautions and find a mite/flea medication? What would you recommend? Thank you!

Hello Whitney,
I would suggest that you put a mite/flea spray on him anyway just incase he has fleas/mites that you cannot see. If his hair grows back it may just be him being depressed but if it gets any worse I suggest you call your vet and see what they recommend.
Love Aleksandra